17 November 2009

2009.11.17_trial separation

Some of you have finally noticed that my blog and I decided to take some time apart. Fear not, the underlying motives are merely circumstantial and have nothing to do with fundamental incompatibility.

Shortly after my last blog post, I found myself defending the Subte (subway) workers' strike/struggle for an independent union to some locals. It was everything I could do to keep my brain from exploding as I dug around looking for the right verb forms to use. For anyone that's tried to convince someone of something political, you can imagine that the process of discerning which verb form is appropriate (imperativo, presente subjuntivo, preterito, imperfecto indicativo, pluscuamperfecto subjuntivo (seriously!)...), remembering the ending of the infinitive form (-ar, -er, -ir), pulling up the extensive list of irregulars, and finally combining these three results to add one of fifty possible endings -- every g.d. sentence -- can be a hindrance. In this moment I realized that I really needed to nail this Castellano Spanish business if I wanted to do more with my voice than order empanadas and talk about the weather, and resolved to abandon all English-based interaction and focus my powers here.

This is where I have been, and will be for a couple more weeks. But I promise to return, ready to recount stories of all the masses that have been swayed.

Also, I'm not coming home in December.

Saludos y solidarity!


Cathy Small Tuttle said...

I am in full support of you cutting off English interactions to further your experience. That is pretty kick ass!

The Leez said...

Chica te quiero!

jewshi said...

I am not in support! English phone chat! English phone chat! I think weather and empanada talk sounds juuust fine. It's better than I do here. I mostly have this conversation with people: "Sumimassen!" This means excuse me. Sometimes the conversations get really deep, like when I greet shop clerks with good morning or count to three in Japanese.

jewshi said...

p.s. Watch me get political here for a minute: didn't gay marriage become legal in Argentina last week?? Hello! Perfect blog post! I like the gays and their rights.

The Leez said...

You just want to marry me, Whore.

Speaking of marriage, I made Mission-style burritos this weekend for mis amigos and they fuh-reaked out. When I get fired, I'm opening a burrito truck. You in, hermana?

jewshi said...

Hermana! That just reminded me of an Arrested Devlopment episode. Remember the Hermano episode? "Who is this Hermano?" Fuck, that show is funny. Sigh.

Oh, sorry. ComPLETEly off topic.

Yes. YES! I will open the burrito truck with you. When we open it can you make all the customers call me the Carnitas Queen? Or maybe just Burrito Whore 2? Thanks. Exxxxtra spicy con crema por favor.

Cathy Small Tuttle said...

I want in too! I can't remember the last time I had a burrito and I live by The Truck. Jeesh.

If Whore is Carnitas Queen, then I wanna be Queso Queen. There has to be room for more than 1 Queen in this truck.

The Leez said...

Dear Carnitas and Queso Queens,

It's on! And W3, this time you don't have to fly cheddar cheese across the world. After scanning the entire city for weeks, I found it at the cheese stand a block away from my apartment. Those sneaky argentinos call it Gouda!

Princess Picante.

jewshi said...

Ooohhhh, Princess Picante! Estoy muy celoso. I like your name better. Now that Whore and I are *both* queens, it sound more like a couple of super bitchy gay guys running a taco truck. Maybe I can be Sour Queen. It kinda sounds like sour cream with a lisp, no? I also want to say that I like how this has become a Whore chatting forum. This is the only way us whores can have a 3-way conversation. Yes, I said 3-way. Is it getting picante in here?

jewshi said...

p.s. You have a CHEESE STAND on your street? Estoy muy celoso Part II. Cheese here is a fucking joke. But not even a funny joke. Kind of like when someone says "That's so funny" instead of laughing. Yeah, kinda like that.

p.p.s. Now I'm really missing my whores. I'm craving a drunken Duffy's Dance night with my taco Queen and Princess.

p.p.p.s. Idea alert! For the next Whorefest we need our new burrito truck names on t-shirts. Or beauty pageant sashes. Font to be determined.

The Leez said...

That's so funny (I'm actually laughing). It's like yesterday when I was on the Skype phone/chat and my friend typed jajaja (hahaha in English) but he had the video on and I could SEE that he wasn't laughing! Not one ja!

W2, you deciding on a taco truck title reminds me of you trying to decide what to order. Sigh.

Okay in the interest of keeping this blog family-friendly and quasi-political, I'm officially rerouting this three-way to gmail.

p.s. Estas celosa porque vos tenes una concha. Okay chau pibes!

jewshi said...

Ya know, in bed last night, I suddenly thought "Oh! I prolly shoulda said celosa since I'm a girl!" But then I thought maybe not. Thanks for clearing that up, casaie (it's like homie, but in Spanish - get it?)

Sorry, sorry, sorry...I know, rerouted. But it's not *really* official until you send out the three way email. I'm just sayin.